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Franklin, Venango Regional Airport

Temperature       37.4 F / 3 C
Wind Chill        34 F / 2 C
Dew Point         37.4 F / 3 C
Humidity          100%
Wind Speed        4.6
Wind Direction    NE 40 Degrees
Visibility         LESS THAN 0.25 Miles
Sky Conditions     overcast at 300 feet
Current Weather   Light  Rain  Fog
Barometer         29.62 Inches
Issued At         01/31/2025 13:29


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A Special Weather Statement has been issued for Venango county until 4:00 PM.  




Pittsburgh Radar Status

Alternate Radar


Hazards Map (Local)

Hazards Map (U.S.)

Area Forecast Discussion


Special Weather Statements

Hazardous Weather Outlook

Public Information Statement

Air Quality

Space Weather

Convective Outlooks:
 Day 1
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 Day 3
 Days 4-8

Great Lakes Water Levels

Flood Potential Outlook

Daily Hydrometeorological Data Summary

Hydrologic Statement

Hydrologic Summary

Area Rainfall Report

Quantitive Precipitation Forecast Discussion

Rain Outlook

Excessive Rain Outlook

Exessive Rainfall Discussion

U.S. River Flood Outlook Map

Surface Analysis Maps

Local Storm Reports (All NWS Pittsburgh areas)

Fire Weather Outlook

Mesoscale Discussions - All States

Ultraviolet Index Map

Child Amber Alerts - All States


Space Forecast Links:

| Space Forecast Discussion | Daily Space Weather Summary and Forecast | Daily Space Indices |
| Summary of Space Weather Observations | Space Events Report | 3-Day Space Weather Predictions |
| 3-Day Space Weather Forecast

Space Indices

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AXXX81 KWNP 070017

:Product: Daily Space Weather Indices dayind.txt
:Issued: 2018 Dec 07 0016 UT
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC contact on the Web
# http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/wwire.html
#                       Daily Space Weather Indices
:Solar_Indices: 2018 Dec 06
# SWO Sunspot  Penticton Radio   90-day Radio   GOES-15 X-ray   Stanford Solar
#   Number       Flux 10.7cm     Flux 10.7cm     Bkgd Flux       Mean Field
    17               70               69           A1.9             -999
:Solar_Region_Data: 2018 Dec 06
#                                                 --------- Flares ---------
# Sunspot Area       New         Spotted           X-ray          Optical
# 10E-6 Hemis.     Regions        Region           C  M  X       S  1  2  3  4
     50               0              1             0  0  0       0  0  0  0  0
:Solar_Radio_Flux: 2018 Dec 06
#      Learmonth  San Vito   Sag Hill  Penticton  Penticton  Palehua  Penticton
#        0400       1000       1700       1700       2000       2300       2300
  245     90         -1         11         -1         -1         13         -1
  410     21         -1         28         -1         -1         30         -1
  610     29         -1         34         -1         -1         35         -1
 1415     43         44         50         -1         -1         46         -1
 2695     63        120         68         -1         -1         70         -1
 2800     -1         -1         -1         70         70         -1         70
 4995    108        112        114         -1         -1        114         -1
 8800    221        230        223         -1         -1        211         -1
15400    519        525        499         -1         -1        519         -1
:Particle_Data: 2018 Dec 06
#    GOES-15 Proton Fluence      GOES-15 Electron Fluence   GOES15     Neutron
# ---- Protons/cm2-day-sr ----   - Electrons/cm2-day-sr -  Location    Monitor
#  ->1 MeV   >10 MeV  >100 MeV     >0.8 MeV     >2 MeV       West    % of bkgd
  3.72e+05  1.65e+04  3.79e+03    -1.00e+00  -1.00E+00       129       -999.9
:Geomagnetic_Indices: 2018 Dec 06
#      Middle Latitude                        Middle Latitude
# ----- Fredericksburg -----            --------- Boulder ---------
# A        K-indices                    A        K-indices
#     03-06-09-12-15-18-21-24               03-06-09-12-15-18-21-24
  3    2  1  1  0  1  2 -1  0          4    2  1  2  1  2  1  1  0
#        High Latitude                           Estimated
# --------- College ---------           -------- Planetary --------
# A       K-indices                     A        K-indices
#     03-06-09-12-15-18-21-24               03-06-09-12-15-18-21-24
  6    0  1  2  2  4  1  0  0          5    2  2  1  1  2  1  1  1