Below is text from the notice sent by the EADS Group. Below the text is downloadable pdf of the notice letter.
March 11, 2025
Dear Current Resident:
We are contacting you on behalf of the General Authority of the City of Franklin. The purpose of the notice is to inform you of the upcoming waterline construction located near your residence. The GACF is completing the Allegheny Boulevard and Front Street Waterline Replace Project due to the frequency and history of waterline breaks in the area. The goal of the project is to better serve water customers in the project area by eliminating water service interruptions resulting from waterline breaks.
Please note that the project may impact travel on Front Street, Allegheny Boulevard, and some connecting streets and may temporarily inhibit vehicular access to your driveways. Along with this work, all involved existing water service lines will be connected to the new water main. This work is part of a project designed by the EADS Group, Inc (EADS) on behalf of the General Authority of the City of Franklin’s efforts to upgrade and maintain a reliable, potable water system, which will continue to serve its customers for many years to come.
During this construction, you may encounter construction crews working on or along Front Street and Allegheny Boulevard. At times, members of the crews, workers from the City of Franklin General Authority, employees of EADS, or employees from other utility companies, may be in or around your driveway or yard as part of the construction and utility identification efforts. At times, you may encounter areas of vehicular travel restrictions regulated by flagger crews. Short traffic delays should be expected at times. You may also experience the inability to access your driveways due to the active work areas and open trenches that will exist on the roadway. We assure you that these delays will only be short and temporary, and the construction crews will do everything within their power to minimize any inconvenience you may experience. Please also expect some disruptions in your water service at times when it is necessary for us to shut water off relating to connection and construction activities. Advanced notice will be made when disruptions are expected.