School Year Starting Soon – Bus Safety and School Zones

PA School Bus Stopping Law
School Bus Safety

The Sugarcreek Borough Police Department would like to inform motorists that the Valley Grove School District’s first day of school is August 29, 2023.

Sugarcreek Police is reminding motorists that school zones will be active with a maximum speed limit of 15 mph. Sugarcreek Police will be out enforcing speeding in a school zone for the safety of children.

Also the Sugarcreek Borough Police remind drivers to allow extra time for travel and to leave early as school buses will be back on the roadways. Children will be being picked up and dropped off. Drivers are urged to watch for children around school zones and school buses.

Passing a school bus with its red lights flashing is a violation of the Pa. Vehicle Code Title 75 Section 3345 (Meeting or Overtaking a School Bus) and violators could face the following penalities:

School Bus Safety

60-Day drivers license suspension
Five Points on your driving record
$250 Fine

To see photo examples and to read more about school bus safety of when to stop for a school bus, visit