Forgery, Access Device Fraud, Theft by Deception

On June 19, 2024 a member of the Rocky Grove Volunteer Fire Department advised that they had been working with a known individual for a fundraising event. The Rocky Grove Volunteer Fire Department had made a check out to the organization conducting the demolition derby for the amount of $2,400.00. The check was cashed according to bank records.

On May 22, 2024 the treasurer noted that the same check had been cashed a second time for the same amount. This time the check had been altered with what was determined to be the suspect’s name. The Rocky Grove Volunteer Fire Department spoke with Keith Morris, 41 of Jefferson Ohio in an effort to find out why he had altered the check and cashed it again.

When Keith Morris was unable to rectify the situation, the Rocky Grove Volunteer Fire Department contacted law enforcement.

Keith Morris was charged with the following:
Forgery – Felony 2
Access Device Fraud – Felony 3
Theft by Deception – Felony 3
Theft by Unlawful Taking – Felony 3

A felony arrest warrant was issued for Keith Morris.